Monday, April 28, 2008

Night Conversations Needs Participants

Interest in Night Conversations has been been strong. Thank you all for that! Sharing these kinds of thoughts helps more than the person speaking them. By reading, we learn more about facets of ourselves.

I understand that it is a big step to take a seat in the chair. If you are on the fence, if you would like to talk but are hesitating, please consider a little nudge in our direction. I promise you that the hardest part is determining to sit down. The rest is liberating.

Participation can be done on a completely anonymous basis if you open a new Yahoo account unassociated with your name. The invitation is open. Simply email me at jevanswriter at yahoo dot com and get your favorite drink ready.

Conversations are by Instant Messaging.


goatman said...

An interesting concept: talk therapy with Q and A.
Better than my last therapy which seemed to be all A and no Q from the analyst.
Thanks for visiting.

MarmiteToasty said...

Do you have a leather couch? and a spotlight, or have I been watching to many films lol


Anonymous said...

Great job Jason. I'm trying to figure out which of the many confusing things about me, I should talk about...thanks for offering this to us. I think it's going to be huge.

Anonymous said...

Goatman, I hope it turns out to be a comforting style.

Marmitetoasty, yes, I do have a leather couch! No spotlight, though. Candles give better ambience.

Kathie, great to see you! If at any point you would like to participate, feel free to drop me an email. The next conversation will be posted soon.